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Fixed Surveillance System with Air Domain Awareness (ADA) and Counter-UAS (C-UAS) Capabilities

The Argus XL ADA C-UAS adds proven Air Domain Awareness and Counter-UAS capabilities to the market-leading Argus ISR Solution. Easy to train, deploy, operate, and maintain, the Argus XL ADA C-UAS baseline system’s modular design incorporates a radar, EO/IR camera, and third-party RF sensor. It operates 360° of azimuth and positive target identification at tactically significant ranges.


Mobile Surveillance with Air Domain Awareness (ADA) and Counter-UAS (C-UAS) Capabilities

The LVSS C-UAS adds proven Air Domain Awareness and Counter- UAS capabilities to the market-leading LVSS platform. The LVSS C-UAS utilizes 3D Radar, EO/IR Camera, and RF detection and mitigation sensors to provide early warning alerts, detection, and non-kinetic countermeasures for various UAS systems. Threats are detected and displayed simultaneously, with position and elevation available for all radar tracks. The system is standalone, relocatable, and rapidly deployable.