Firefly-DL Deep Learning Resources and Technical Documentation

Getting Started

Getting Started with Firefly and Firefly Installation Guide

  • Hardware installation

Download Spinnaker SDK Camera Software

  • Support for Windows 7 or Windows 10 and Linux 16.04 or Linux 18.04

Download FLIR NeuroUtility

  • The FLIR NeuroUtility converts inference network files into a compatible format compatible

Getting Started with Firefly-DL in Linux

Getting Started with Firefly-DL in Windows

Deep Learning Support 

Tips for Creating Training Data for Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Neural Networks Supported by the Firefly-DL

Troubleshooting Neural Network Conversion Errors

Getting Started with Training a Caffe Object Detection Inference Network

Datasheet and Drawings

FFY-U3-16S2-S-DL Datasheet

FFY-DL Drawings

API Documentation

Spinnaker API HTML (C++ version)

C++ Programmer’s Guide

Can also be found with your installation of Spinnaker:

  • Windows (C:\Program Files\Point Grey Research\Spinnaker\doc)
  • Linux (/usr/share/doc/spinnaker-doc/)

Reference Documentation

If you can’t find what you are looking for, search in the camera reference:

Additional support, contact [email protected]