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Case Study

Thermal Imaging Cameras Protect Electrical Substation in Stavanger, Norway

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Case Study

Integral UK helps its customers save costs and reduce downtime of chillers.

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Case Study

Inspectahire relies on the FLIR GF320 Optical Gas Imaging camera for maintenance inspections and hydrocarbon leak detection in the offshore oil and gas industry

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Case Study

FLIR Systems ThermaCAM™ GasFindIR™ infrared camera spots methane leaks, prevents uncontrolled gas venting and keeps air clean at Norwegian landfill

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Case Study

FLIR thermal imaging cameras provide solid proof for Italian court case

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Case Study

Inspection of Climate Control Ceilings Using Thermal Imaging Cameras

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Case Study

Thermography Drone For Aerial Recordings Using The FLIR T640bx Thermal Imaging Camera

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Application Story

Compact FLIR Thermal Imager: Game Changer for Condition Monitoring

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Case Study

Tank storage monitoring with the FLIR GFx320 optical gas imaging camera

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